Athena The king of Fighters 2002 Super, Melhores Combos

by Marcos Paulo Vilela
Athena The king of Fighters 2002 Super, Melhores Combos

Melhores combos da athena the king of fighters 2002 super.

Athena em The King of Fighters 2002 Super é uma personagem focada em zoneamento e pressão. Aqui estão alguns dos seus melhores combos para diferentes situações:

Combos básicos:

  • Close standing S.A xx Psycho Shot (f+B): Um bom combo rápido para punir golpes bloqueados do oponente.
  • Close standing D xx far standing C: Este combo aproveita o grande alcance do S.D para conectar com o far S.C.

Combos aéreos:

  • j.B xx Psycho Power (qcb+K): Um bom combo aéreo simples que causa dano decente.
  • j.D xx Psycho Shot (f+B): Outro combo aéreo simples que derruba o oponente.

Extensões de combo (requer técnicas avançadas):

  • Cancelamentos: Athena tem alguns golpes especiais que podem ser cancelados em outros golpes, permitindo combos mais longos. Alguns bons golpes para cancelar são o Diving Plasma (dp+P) e o Shining Assault (air dp+P).
  • DM (Desperation Move) Cancel: No KOF 2002 Super, Athena recupera um pouco de vida ao executar um DM. Isso pode ser usado para estender combos cancelando um especial em um DM.

 🙂 MAIS DE KOF 2002:

Basic Combos

  • cl.C / cr.C >
    • f + B (2)
      • (S)DM air hcb hcb + P/AC (Corner) [32%/??%] {1 stock/Max Mode + 1 stock}
      • air dp + A [28%] >>
        • (S)DM hcb hcb + P/AC {2 stocks/Max Mode + 2 stocks}
      • air dp + C (Corner) [30%] >>
        • (S)DM air hcb hcb + P/AC {2 stocks/Max Mode + 2 stocks}
      • air qcb + D (Corner) [31%] >>
        • (S)DM hcb hcb + P/AC [55%/??%] {2 stocks/Max Mode + 2 stocks}
    • qcb + C [20%]
    • dp + C [23%]
    • SDM hcb f + AC > [followup] {Max Mode + 1 stock}
    • HSDM qcf + ABCD > [followup] {Max Mode + 1 stock}
  • cr.B x 2 >
    • dp + C
    • SDM hcb f + AC > [followup] {Max Mode + 1 stock}
    • HSDM qcf + ABCD > [followup] {Max Mode + 1 stock}
  • cr.B >
    • f + B > …
    • (S)DM hcb hcb + P/AC (Point blank.) {1 stock/Max Mode + 1 stock}
  • Very close or corner: … dp + C (1-6) >> (S)DM air hcb hcb + P/AC [+17%/+??%] {2 stocks/Max Mode + 2 stocks}
  • j.A >
    • air qcb + B {15%}
    • DM air qcf qcf + D {30%} {1 stock}

Max Mode

  • st.D >> BC, run, st.D >>
    • SDM hcb f + AC > [followup] {50+%}
    • HSDM qcf + ABCD > [followup]
  • cr.B, cr.A >> BC, cr.C >
    • SDM hcb f + AC > [followup] {50+%}
    • HSDM qcf + ABCD > [followup] {50-70%}

Combos Notes

  • The dp + P finisher of SDM hcb f + AC, deals more damage than the other two.
  • Weak attack > f + B will combo only if you are very close and the first hit of f + B connect.
  • On hard attack > f + B, the first hit of f + B will almost always miss, but the second hit will combo (even if you are not very close).


  • Use your Psycho Ball (qcb + P) at far distance and your teleport (qcf + K) if your opponent if close
  • Psycho Sword (dp + P) is an excellent anti air, also its an aereal optional move, you can make instant air move with uf dp + P
  • B Phoenix Arrow (air qcb + B) is a great follow up after f + B (2). D version its riskful.
  • Psycho Reflector (qcb + B) its useful for reflect projectiles.
  • Psychic 9 (SDM hcb f + AC) and Psycho Medley (HSDM qcf + ABCD) are strictful timming DMs, don’t use it if you don’t dominate it, well, a good timming trick its to bring the sequence after the first hit of those DMs.


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