Fallout Lore: O Enclave

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Este vídeo discutirá The Enclave, Whitesprings Congressional Bunker, Control Station Enclave, Navarro, Raven Rock, Satellite Relay Station, Adams Air Force Base, Mobile Base Crawler, President Eckhart, MODUS, President Richardson, Frank Horrigan, President Eden, Colonel Autumn, Remnants Bunker, Brian Richter, Ed-e e muitos outros locais, personagens e eventos relacionados ao Enclave! Apoie o canal Siga para atualizações



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Synonymous 2022-08-24 - 6:51 pm

Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the new replacement…

shane greene 2023-03-08 - 10:07 pm

This channel was recommended via Radking. I listened for 5 seconds and subscribed.

deathstormer 2023-03-12 - 6:23 am

They actually had the chance to restore US as it was before the war.

Francisco Traghetti 2023-03-13 - 11:09 am

God Bless The Enclave

Federal Enclave Appalachian Reformists 2023-03-15 - 2:42 am

☆ E ☆

Tin men 2023-03-16 - 7:02 pm

Space marines

B00tyWarrior 2023-03-17 - 9:57 pm

It's so frustrating, the enclave could be a very good faction if they were not written in as totally evil. Almost no nuance and redeeming qualities. Realistically a faction that powerful Should have survived and been a threat much longer than they did.

TheMightyAi - 2023-03-18 - 10:10 am

Huh, I remember Richardson dying to OD:ing on Super Stimpaks. Weird.

Dante's Hollowed Grounds 2023-03-18 - 1:46 pm

My favorite kind of nerd videos.

Spencer Lamph 2023-03-20 - 12:27 am

Enclave are obviously awful fash boys
But that adanced power armor is slick
Gott give em that
Fashionable bug space marine vibes

Von Langstein 2023-03-20 - 6:54 pm

While not fully using canon information, Hearts of Iron 4 has a amazing Fallout conversion mod called Old World Blues, where you can play as multiple different factions / cells of Enclave across America

kaithedragon 2023-03-22 - 10:14 am

Alright, but i have one question…

Where is your power armour?

Krzysztof Detlaf 2023-03-28 - 7:16 pm

hehe "Unlimited POWER!!!!!!" of the President

The Merchant 2023-04-05 - 2:24 pm

When it comes to factions, I will always like the Enclave more than the BoS

GHOSTS_PP 2023-04-05 - 6:44 pm

Hope Enclave will back on the grid….
God Bless The Enclave!

Kevin Perez 2023-04-10 - 10:10 pm

Enclave is my favorite faction of all time. They are the only reason why I played through Fallout 76

Clash king 2023-04-11 - 10:56 pm

1:40 would they consider you an American if you were born before the war and frozen in time

TheCore 2023-04-15 - 10:56 am

I wanted so hard to side with the enclave during Fallout 2, but had to wait for New vegas for that xD

Mauro 2023-04-15 - 5:16 pm

The Enclave needs to be retconned to be less comically evil and make a comeback in the future Fallout games.

Spike16 2023-04-18 - 12:52 am

Giant bats!? This is Soo stupid! Lol terrible writing!

Nail tool of amusement 2023-04-18 - 8:28 pm

My past 16 year old self is sweating profusely right now

Banana Spice 2023-04-19 - 7:04 am

They thought they were the greatest collection of minds. Mr. House laughing right now

Jarrod Yuki 2023-04-20 - 1:14 am

top 7ruelsin every nation and top 3 rules for life. join a guild. math physcis intj entj intp entp istj estj istp estp eveytghin si comparmentalized.

Jarrod Yuki 2023-04-20 - 1:15 am

the enclalve ncr adn ceasra legion1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! top 7 rules in every nation an top 3 urles for life join a guild 3 mathhsycsi chesmitry law ptolcis ifirnancen medicne.

Jarrod Yuki 2023-04-20 - 1:16 am

end of the era of law theggeingnign fo the er afoffaith. 1. top 7 rules in every nation and top 3 rules for life 2. join a guild.. 3 math pshcycis chesmitry law ptolcis finacnen medicine.

The Green Gamer 2023-04-20 - 3:31 am

26:17 I think there's a reference to the enclave vertibird that was crashed and this eyebot in Fallout 4, there's a crashed vertibird in the glowing sea and anywhere next to it an eyebot will spawn roaming the glowing sea

Jarrod Yuki 2023-04-20 - 4:42 am

join the enclave ncr and caesars legion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jarrod Yuki 2023-04-20 - 4:58 am

the enclave ncr and caesars legion.

alpha_omega1000 2023-04-22 - 3:09 am

I always loved the Enclave in Fallout 76 I went straight to the mission to start the Enclave Quest to become General

Nicholas Johnson 2023-04-24 - 11:16 am

is the t28 worth using in warthunder the heavy soviet tank also my heart feels funny if i die call the ambuklance

xxtentt666 2023-04-28 - 1:07 am

God bless

Callum Paxton 2023-04-29 - 4:18 am

Dude can we just agree 76 is not canon? Even “ He sought to take control of 3 nuclear silos” sound like a fetch quest

ARAQUE SANFONA 2023-04-29 - 6:02 pm

enclave is BASED

oldgrub444 2023-05-02 - 12:15 am

i got the remnant power armor on my first play through of new vegas

Roman Boi 2023-05-02 - 7:19 am

I like to think Autumn and his remaining forces relocated to Chicago while operating bases like the crawler where research was undergoing. Autumn's ideas are far better than Maxon's BoS or the institute.

Marcos Sergio Correa Paris 2023-05-04 - 3:31 pm

Enclave in Fallout. La Li Lu Le Lo in Metal Gear. Deep State in real life.

Marcos Sergio Correa Paris 2023-05-04 - 4:14 pm

God bless the Enclave

Tyler B. 2023-05-12 - 8:58 pm

In fallout 1 the plasma pistol description mentions Gaston glock not repconn.

Josiah Bahuaud 2023-05-17 - 1:15 pm

“You again.” -Literally everyone in Fallout 3. 😂

Connor B 2023-05-19 - 3:56 pm

They could have done something jnteresting in fallout 4 with the enclave considering you are an official US citizen born out of a vault exposed to less radiation than them and aren't mutated

Eazy E 2023-05-23 - 1:41 am

Really hope the Enclave show up again and you can join them

Jedi Temple Guard Captain 2023-06-04 - 11:24 am

I wonder how the legion would fare against the enclave ? I’m sure they’d be crushed but I think it’d be interesting to see

• [CCTV0] • 2023-06-04 - 1:06 pm

Enclave: military
Truth of enclave: careless military

Odinfang 2023-06-04 - 8:38 pm

The enclave territories yet to be fleshed out got ripe potential for story building. What’d be great is at least one of them working with the wasteland instead of against it by working with wastelanders and taking out hostiles. Would be refreshing for at least one enclave region that figured out the flaws in its structure and decided to build a new and better America with what it has instead of destroying it.

Ruby_Eve 2023-06-09 - 1:10 pm

"The words enclave and advanced technology are almost synonymous with each other"
I see what you did there:)

Harold 2023-06-10 - 8:44 pm

Let’s be real the enclave would spit on every other faction 😂 the storyline of fallout is pretty much plot armor: the game. I REFUSE to believe some “chosen one” who’s literally some tribal who wouldn’t know squat about plasma weaponry, could take on a 12 ft Enclave super soldier with the best armor in the post apocalyptic world.

Paul Tiplady 2023-06-20 - 9:37 am

Do they explain why mr houses didn’t join the enclave

Paul Tiplady 2023-06-20 - 10:09 am

The east coast enclave under Atume where the good guys in my mind

Madmac Vengeance 2023-06-25 - 8:36 am

Was hoping the new upcoming fallout is the new protagonist was enclave and fighting the evil force of brotherhood of steel

Big Daddy47toxicapexplayer Lynn 2023-06-26 - 2:16 am

Ah…the best faction.


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