Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, o clássico jogo de mistério do criador de Ace Attorney, Shu Takumi, está renascendo em 30 de junho de 2023! Encomende agora para obter conteúdo bônus, incluindo quatro planos de fundo de banner lateral e duas faixas adicionais de música de fundo “Missile ~ A Courageous Little Animal” e “Chicken Paradise”.
For the love of God please ANYONE give this game a chance. Its a 10 outta 10.
We need the Great Ace Attorney on Xbox
Love it! Its much more fun than it looks! Try it!
You guys need to go watch the YouTube channel Jello plays games him and his friends did entire complete voice-acted playthrough of this game
I love this game happy I can play It again on xbox
Glad so many people can finally experience this great game for the first time. And yes, pls ask for Great Ace Attorney, Ace Attorney Investigations and the rest of Phoenix Wright on XBOX.
I've been playing the new WWE all day! SUPLEX CITY!
Ghost Trick is back!!! Proudly played at the DS console back at the day now brought back to Xbox consoles!!
Hint #1: The Sissel you see in the game isn't the ONE "it" claims to be!! That explains "its" amnesia!!
interesting concept
This game is phenomenal! So happy it's coming to modern consoles. And the music!!
Great that this is coming to Xbox ❤
Imagine denuvo in steam version of the game. Bruh
This game is amazing, happy more people will enjoy it 😀
The ost for this game is top tier.
We ( Xbox owners) have to buy these games. If we want Capcom to bring more of them for Xbox.
Oh yeah!!
Yo, this looks cool!
This game was amazing on the 3ds.. it was also one of the saddest games I played.
I actually own the trademark to Phantom Detectives.