O novo MONOPOLY Madness já está disponível. Os dinossauros estão à solta no Dino City DLC! Percorra as explosivas ruas jurássicas e compre propriedades para se tornar o magnata imobiliário mais famoso de Dino City no novo MONOPOLY Madness DLC! Dino City traz a corrida mais frenética por riquezas para a era pré-histórica. Compre edifícios tropicais, evite a prisão e use dinossauros e outros truques para obter vantagem sobre seus oponentes. Fique sempre de olho, no entanto! Raptors e T. rex nunca estão muito longe… SOBRE A UBISOFT: A Ubisoft é uma criadora, editora e distribuidora líder de entretenimento e serviços interativos, com um rico portfólio de marcas de renome mundial, incluindo Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, For Honor, Just Dance, Watch Dogs e as séries de videogames de Tom Clancy, incluindo Ghost Recon®, Rainbow Six e The Division. As equipes da rede mundial de estúdios e escritórios comerciais da Ubisoft estão empenhadas em oferecer experiências de jogos originais e memoráveis em todas as plataformas populares, incluindo consoles, telefones celulares, tablets e PCs. Para o ano fiscal de 2020-21, a Ubisoft gerou reservas líquidas de € 2.241 milhões. Para saber mais, visite: www.ubisoftgroup.com. ©2022 Ubisoft Entertainment. Todos os direitos reservados. Just Dance, Ubisoft e o logotipo da Ubisoft são marcas registradas ou não registradas da Ubisoft Entertainment nos Estados Unidos e/ou em outros países.
MONOPOLY Madness – Dino City DLC | Trailer de lançamento
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F U all stooopud drick sokers
Oof, my how the mighty Ubisoft has fallen
That's cool, that's cool ummm… Can you make Monopoly Plus not crash every time i press alt+tab? Would really appreciate that
Ubisoft use to make great games but look where they are now
hello ubisoft i have a problem in my rainbow six that i can't play multiplayer only terrorist hunting solo is the error 00003700 if you guys manage to solve this error i appreciate it but obviously you are not obligated to do this for a player and i'm not any special guy either I only sent this one because I want to play rainbow again
I love monopoly
@Ubisoft, use the assassin's Creed engine and make a better fantasy based game than final fantasy. On Xbox as a priority.
Follow the same type of rules, a kingdom magic and medieval weapons, giant world bosses or summons, similar type of music and plot. Similar gameplay, insane looking world like final fantasy games. A power struggle plot. Big Open zones or open world.
Random wildlife and enemy encounters. Similar inventory/customization for the character or all the characters in your group, also random things to do in the world and collect things that are uniquely able to upgrade certain items, fusion of items to better gear, basic lvl up items for gear or weapons, voiced characters. Air ships, mounts for world exploring some point later in the game 20-40% into the story or exploration. Monsters everywhere, 3rd person free flow combat. Major build up to the main villain from the storyline. End game content of some kind.
Even make a prequel knock off and release it earlier like a pixel rpg like final fantasy games or use similar quality art and animation like octopath. Giving an idea of what the storyline or world is like leading into the actual game that rivals modern final fantasy games like 16.
I need it!
Компания Ubisoft придерживается нацистских взглядов! Позор вам! Вы не продаёте свои игры гражданам России! Это настоящий нацизм! Мы – Россияне, что не слишком достойны ваших игр? Или вас не устраивает наши цвета кожи? А может вы считаете нас изгоями на этой планете, а себя хозяевами? Вам всё воздастся бумерангом!
just fix monopoly plus. we dont want this garbage, why you release a dlc for a dead game when the majority of the people play monopoly plus and 90% of the matches end up crashing, disconnected, bugged where you cant interact anymore with the game because everything is grayed out…
DLC how about a real one I am go Space