Mothmen 1966 Review

by Marcos Paulo Vilela
Mothmen 1966 – Review – Xbox


Mothmen 1966 is a horror visual novel with a twist: it’s played like a solitaire game! Reviews are mixed, but here’s a breakdown of what you might expect:



  • Unique Concept: Combining a creepy story with solitaire gameplay is a fresh idea, and many reviewers found it engaging.
  • Story & Atmosphere: The 1960s pulp fiction aesthetic and the mystery of the Mothmen create a suspenseful atmosphere. The writing is generally praised for being well-done.
  • Short & Sweet: The game can be completed in about an hour, making it a good choice for a quick horror fix.
  • Nostalgia Trip: The pixelated graphics and sound design evoke a sense of nostalgia for early computer games.


  • Trial & Error Gameplay: Since some choices lead to sudden death, you might find yourself reloading and replaying sections a lot. This can be frustrating for some players.
  • Limited Replayability: With a single story path and short playtime, there’s not much reason to revisit the game once you’ve finished it.
  • Technical Quirks: A few reviewers mentioned minor bugs and a lack of autosave.


Mothmen 1966 is a creative experiment in horror storytelling. If you enjoy unique concepts, atmospheric horror, and don’t mind some trial and error gameplay, it could be worth checking out. However, if you prefer games with high replayability or smoother mechanics, you might want to look elsewhere.


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