O Bookwalker | mergulhar no mundo dos livros

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

The Bookwalker tem que ter um dos conceitos de jogo mais legais e originais que já vi em muito tempo… explorando diferentes mundos de livros e roubando itens valiosos deles para trazê-los de volta à sua própria dimensão e vender no mercado negro. Lista de desejos do Bookwalker no Steam:



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Lile's Indie Corner 2023-02-16 - 2:26 pm

aaaand another one for the wishlist. You're gonna bleed me dry!
As for the question, there's a German book (series) called 'Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher' (I think there is an English translation of it, too 'The City of Dreaming Books') and I would love to live in that city that is entirely dedicated to books and meet all the cool characters. Maybe avoid the capatalist weirdos, though 😂

Slotan Chivay 2023-03-24 - 8:45 pm

Okay I'm actually discovering so many intriguing games thanks to this channel.

Tygris Neal 2023-06-10 - 6:28 pm

Bookwalker: Steal every ancient item's in all single fiction literature worlds and be most infamously thief in criminal history.


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