Qual a diferença entre Pokémon X e Y?

by Marcos Paulo Vilela
Qual a diferença entre Pokémon X e Y?

 A diferença está nos lendários! Xerneas é o lendário do Pokémon X e Yveltal é o lendário do Pokémon Y. Xerneas representa a vida, enquanto Yveltal representa a destruição.

Pokémon X e Y foram lançados em 2013 e marcaram o início da sexta geração da franquia Pokémon. Apesar de serem jogos muito semelhantes, algumas diferenças-chave os distinguem:

Pokémon Exclusivos

  • Cada versão possui Pokémon exclusivos: Assim como em outros jogos da série, alguns Pokémon só podem ser encontrados em uma das versões. Isso significa que para completar sua Pokédex, você precisará trocar Pokémon com um amigo que tenha a outra versão.

Pokémon Lendários

  • Lendários diferentes: Cada jogo possui um Pokémon lendário exclusivo:
    • Pokémon X: Xerneas, do tipo Fada.
    • Pokémon Y: Yveltal, do tipo Voador/Noturno.

Mega Evoluções

  • Mega Evoluções distintas: As Mega Evoluções disponíveis em cada versão variam. Por exemplo, Mega Charizard X e Y são exclusivos de suas respectivas versões.

Detalhes da História

  • Pequenas diferenças na narrativa: Embora a história principal seja similar, existem pequenas variações nos eventos e diálogos entre as duas versões.

Design Gráfico

  • Ambientes e paleta de cores: Apesar de serem jogos da mesma região, existem pequenas diferenças nos ambientes e na paleta de cores de algumas áreas, proporcionando uma experiência visual ligeiramente distinta.

Qual versão escolher?

A escolha entre Pokémon X e Y muitas vezes se resume a preferência pessoal. Alguns jogadores preferem a estética e o tipo do Pokémon lendário, enquanto outros buscam por Pokémon exclusivos específicos.

Em resumo:

  • Pokémon X e Y são jogos muito parecidos, mas com diferenças suficientes para oferecer experiências únicas.
  • Os Pokémon exclusivos, lendários e algumas Mega Evoluções são os principais diferenciais entre as versões.
  • A escolha da versão ideal depende do seu gosto pessoal e dos Pokémon que você deseja ter em sua equipe.

Gostaria de saber mais sobre algo específico? Posso te fornecer informações mais detalhadas sobre os Pokémon exclusivos, as Mega Evoluções, a história ou qualquer outro aspecto dos jogos.


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Yuya Sakaki 2023-05-19 - 7:23 pm

New this I actively went out of my way to spam air cutter whenever I saw any of these my friends questioned how I got all the berries so damn quickly

Tepiggy2 2023-05-20 - 6:08 pm

I used this all the time to farm items

Kweh 2023-05-21 - 5:34 am

Gotta be careful with the did you know and pokemon

Sad penguin 2023-05-22 - 5:52 am

Pokémon is a mechanical masterpiece in terms of battle everything else is subpar

Josh Webb 2023-05-22 - 12:54 pm

I literally had 400+ hours and never knew this

Doi 2023-05-22 - 8:02 pm

Always loved X and Y, never knew this.

Skeleton_craft Gamming (the skeleton king) 2023-05-23 - 3:06 am

And Joe mama

Nameless 2023-05-23 - 1:57 pm

This is one of those things that you find by mistake lol I was using *Blizzard (not Petal Blizzard lol) and suddenly this tree behind the wild Pokemon dropped its berries. I was so excited lol

Cheezy 2023-05-23 - 7:28 pm

I've been replaying Y and just learned that you can change the battle menu background. This game is so much fun playing all these years later!

Seth dracanseth 2023-05-23 - 9:46 pm

I remember this happening to me once. Never got it to happen again.

Jason Fisher 2023-05-25 - 3:25 am

I was wondering why that kept happening

Memevengers 2023-05-26 - 12:34 am

I remember this cause some NPC said this exact same thing 💀

Just a Brit Gaming 2023-05-26 - 3:37 am

WHAT!!!! I never knew this

Mystical Sylveon 2023-05-27 - 2:55 am

I didn't know about the item drops, but I did notice the background gimmick. Especially in caves, you could crumble rocks with surf ( looks cool in horde battles). I literally played XY over, and over, and over, etc….funny how you always miss something years later

Francy _PW 2023-05-27 - 1:27 pm

I actually discovered this by accident but i was too young to use this to my advantage

Anshumaan Mishra 2023-05-29 - 5:14 am

Initially being the natural player as I was I didn't read the flavour text and just spammed A. Once I actually read it and researched. I then exploited it it gets great drops

ANIMATE POKEMON ADVENTURES!!!! 2023-05-31 - 7:48 am

That outfit is actually adorable

TheRogueRenegade 2023-06-01 - 1:38 am

Join the Discord! https://discord.com/invite/mYwSux2gZe

Ravyn Darksong 2023-06-03 - 10:04 pm

Forget that, how'd you get a fucking trenchcoat?!

Jay Bear 2023-06-04 - 4:04 pm

What the hell?

L1mm 2023-06-06 - 4:23 am

Also terrain makes natural objects disappear !!!

Iron Jugulis aka Mecha King Ghidorah 2023-06-13 - 2:21 am

I knew it 😎

Amogus 2023-06-13 - 2:37 pm


Dustin 2023-06-13 - 3:57 pm

Yeah I knew of this, I found out in the cave to the right of the rhyhorn route, and I used rock slide to grind items

Unsurprisingly, young me and older me have the same habits

Supah Koopah 2023-07-01 - 8:55 pm

I remember doing this in order to get all the berries. For some reason I was obsessed with the berry breeding system and wanted to complete it.

King Myers123 2023-07-02 - 7:06 pm

We need a remastered of x and y for the switch I really in joked them when I was a kid

Jude 2023-07-05 - 8:40 pm

Man I wish I had thses games 😆😞

Dylan Sang 2023-07-06 - 1:07 pm

I thought they were just for looks all this time!!!

wooper duper 2023-07-08 - 6:26 am

Also thats when they added the ability to always run away with a ghost type

Mertens I Am 2023-07-08 - 12:53 pm

I know about this mechanic because once I saw someone adding it to their fangame, and I was like "huh, that's kinda neat"

TheRahay 2023-07-09 - 8:06 pm

The only bad thing about x and y was ….the fucking time scaling it was like 3 hours between gym 1 and 2 and then it was like 3 seconds between every other gym , also the detective city was to fucking big and confusing

Everything else was lit actually

Infurnadox Gaming 2023-07-10 - 12:47 am

i only found out about it when i used surf in a cave and noticed one of the rocks in the background fall over

a bag of lays 2023-07-10 - 1:08 pm

Man, I really like X and Y mainly for nostalgia. And even so, how have I not noticed this for the past 5 years

Pedro Sereno 2023-07-11 - 7:02 am

If this game wasn't so "hand holdy", I would give it a chance 🥱

Cool Dude 2023-07-11 - 5:59 pm

Okay… this just made me respect X and Y a tiny bit more. Still my least favorite pair tho

Axuwu 2023-07-12 - 12:37 am

I used to grind these so much so I could fill up my berry farm with as much crop variety as possible!

Bao Kien Le 2023-07-12 - 7:39 am

4:05: từ cà phê buổi sáng, thành thiên tai, và cuối cùng thành con sóc

MonsterBob_2 2023-07-14 - 2:30 pm

i just played X again for fun and i noticed a rock falling after i used surf and i was so confused why i was getting damp rocks

Daniel 2023-07-14 - 4:03 pm

You know It is kinda funny but i thought more people would know about this feature It is really obvious
(I only say this because i Saw this in another youtuber's video i don't even have x Or y)

Twilit_Gamer 2023-07-14 - 4:42 pm

I only knew about this because of Victory Road. While grinding Pokémon for the pokedex there, I would often summon hordes and then take them out with a Surf or two from my Lapras. Sometimes, there would be a rock in the background that would visibly fall over in response to the move, and I would always get a Damp Rock after those battles.

Goldenblade14 2023-07-18 - 2:28 pm

I remember the official guide going over this when XY released but no one talked about this. This was how I farmed for berries.

Post-NEET 2023-07-20 - 8:12 pm

I was actually looking up a random move to see it’s effects in battle where it casually mention this obscure mechanic, had no clue this was even a thing

Rockclanhawkstar 2023-07-21 - 1:52 am

I noticed the objects, but never that they gave items XD

TheUltimaWerewolf 2023-07-21 - 2:41 am

Yet another reason why I love the Kalos games


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