Revisão Mech Armada – O que vale a pena? (Acesso antecipado)

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

“Hoje estamos fazendo nossa revisão do Mech Armada! Este jogo de táticas roguelite de construção mecânica tem uma fórmula bastante simples, mas uma grande variedade de opções de construção o torna muito divertido e rejogável. Obrigado Lioncode Games por me obter uma cópia para esta revisão ! Se você gostou da análise de hoje, considere curtir e se inscrever. Ou você pode parar e nos ver no Twitch, onde fazemos essas análises ao vivo todas as noites da semana às 20:00 EST!



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Tarot Artist 2021-08-10 - 3:49 am

28 DAYS LATER, NOW 28 MONTHS….these horror movies are just getting SOOO repetitive 😛

Chris dude 2021-08-10 - 7:40 am

Loot boxes means no buy for me

PurePlay 2021-08-11 - 3:52 am

Some terrain has grainy backgrounds and not sure why all monsters in cut screens just stand there and roar. Would have also been nice if the designs wasn't out a pack.

Inkubaszi 2022-03-28 - 7:44 pm

That’s one sound cool! It’s like healthy rejuvenation of original NES [or SNES] Front Mission <3 But that storm thing… sound’s annoying, I love my way of play, and not to be forced constantly, to move :/ Will be cool if battlefield wasn’t so…. flat. Not the fan of loot boxes systems. But the price at start is very nice.

Peter Nyström 2022-04-08 - 5:36 am

The Artwork is just atrocious and unispiring imo.

Dirk Diggler 2022-06-18 - 1:06 am

I think this concept would be better as a tower defense type game were it's more automated. It just seems too slow paced.

JaroArtx 2023-06-24 - 4:41 pm

this looks awful


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