Slavic Punk é um jogo indie isométrico de Cyberpunk!

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Se você gosta do mundo de Cybeprunk 2077, pode se interessar por Slavic Punk: Oldtimer, um jogo de tiro isométrico com ação rápida e hacking! Estas são minhas primeiras impressões sobre a jogabilidade do Slavic Punk! ➖ Meu equipamento ➖ 💻 Nossos PCs personalizados: ⚙️ Lista de mods: 👕 Produtos: ➖ Siga-me! ➖ 📸 Instergram: 🐤 Twitter: 📘 Facebook: 👾 Chat no Discord: 🟣 Twitch Streams: ✉️ Newsletter: ➖ Apoie-me! . ——————–



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Soycake 2023-06-23 - 2:01 pm


Robotic24 2023-06-23 - 2:01 pm

Perfect Title 💀

Giovanni Williamson 2023-06-23 - 2:02 pm

Well dang 😮

Jordan 2023-06-23 - 2:14 pm

Cool game design! I'm definitely going to keep an eye on it!

Julien Rouche-lestonnat 2023-06-23 - 2:17 pm

That's a pretty cool looking game.

Pulse 2023-06-23 - 2:28 pm

Don’t see why this isrt just third person lol

Br A. Br. 2023-06-23 - 2:34 pm

Someone please make a fps mod for this game!!

Iron Bars 2023-06-23 - 2:41 pm

This looks more like The Ascent tbh

fantazjo 2023-06-23 - 2:46 pm

looks like old jelcz bus

Boomken76 2023-06-23 - 3:26 pm

rather impressive, rare for games to use that camera view & not suck.👍👍

IchbinX 2023-06-23 - 3:40 pm

A group of ppl, literally named after the word "slave".

ares106 2023-06-23 - 4:16 pm

Looks too much like that stupid vampire survivor game.

J C 2023-06-23 - 4:33 pm

so, is the reason for theses look down at the game "table top" style to hide how bad the graphics are up close (as in first person)?

Dildo.swaggingsz 2023-06-23 - 4:34 pm

Hey eso theirs a mod on ps4 Skyrim because of you video on summerset isles called Erethfel isle

Ryanlion 2023-06-23 - 5:44 pm

Remind me of The Ascent. Looks good.

Joe 2023-06-23 - 6:27 pm

Hi ESO, thanks for all the experiences that you have shared with your subscriber's over the years. I am unashamedly a Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim gamer. I still haven't moved on. I have watch you, Caedo, Vinylicpuma, and Ninja since the very earliest times and especially through the lockdown. I thank you all. I haven't seen Ninja Flips online for some time I hope he is OK, as I would worry about you. Do you Youtubers watch each others back? Or is your community all about sponship!

Greg 2023-06-23 - 7:16 pm


Ghost controlling a meat suit 2023-06-23 - 7:28 pm

top down FPS isn't thing

BroWolverine 2023-06-23 - 7:50 pm

Yo bro banner lord got the update I wanna see you explaining it in a video

Kyrios Malaka 2023-06-23 - 9:59 pm

I love the look of this game. I love the Cyberpunk genre. Real-time isometric shooters still do it for me. My only concern is that you seemed to be having trouble with the enemies at the beginning of the game. If a young guy who plays video games for a living is having trouble with the combat then 50 year old me might rage quit fast. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to wish list it anyway. Edit: there's a demo for the game on Steam.

Evil WarBoss 2023-06-23 - 11:52 pm

i tried the game the control is terrible i did get a respond from the dev i hope they really throw in more control scheme overall the game is good but control is terrible i played alot of top down shooter

Max Ramos 2023-06-24 - 12:18 am

This is more like The Ascent than CP2077, especially the aiming style

Patryk Scelina Music 2023-06-24 - 1:33 am

Good playing. Happy to hear you like the music 🙂

Tamrielic Scholar 2023-06-24 - 9:09 am

*an Isometric

Andrew Moe 2023-06-24 - 10:04 am

You should try the ascent. Way cooler looking game. Same style and cyberpunk setting

antiochus87 2023-06-24 - 1:05 pm

This game looks cool. Definitely worth checking out.

D Roe 2023-06-24 - 9:35 pm

Looks like a not as good version of The Ascent.

Detonate Klubstompers 2023-06-25 - 2:12 pm

As far as enemies spawning right at you, just pretend they are teleporting to your location.

Kim Kelley 2023-06-25 - 3:36 pm

I see that Vault Suit ESO

Shizzle G 2023-06-25 - 4:15 pm

Ive always disliked these type of games (with the top view play style)..But the more i can see the art and graphic design if these games i have definitely become more interested in these tyoe of games

Avery 2023-06-25 - 9:20 pm

Tried it myself. Not a fan. Movement feels clunky, being unable to aim for headshots feels weird. I think The Ascent did this type of game a lot better when it comes to the feel of combat

PChal 024 2023-06-25 - 9:44 pm

Привет я на этом канале сново увидел шедевр это видео прекрасно как и остальные

TheArtkaw 2023-06-28 - 8:25 pm

AI looks rough. Wish the melee guys dodged and rolled instead of beelining to you. The aiming and shooting looks a bit dodgy too.

Anuma 2023-06-28 - 10:35 pm

“Top down FPS” 💀


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