Regarding Pokemon Opalo

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Pokemon Opalo Playlist —

Pokemon Opalo English Download —

#PokemonOpalo #Ep09



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SacredAlmighty 2022-10-29 - 1:40 am

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie, I made it past the League and to know there's like an extra 10+ hours added, while it's been fun on my end I cannot lie it almost feels like a Season 2 was added to the game & I definitely won't beat this thing before ScarVi but it's fine! I'm glad you gave it a shot at the very least, was fun to watch how you played vs my playthrough.

Conner Schnittgen 2022-10-29 - 2:34 am

The orange aura is elite in this video btw

Delbs 2022-10-29 - 3:10 am

I legit find that creating content on something you don't enjoy doing is the best recipe for a "underwhelming" video. The quality might be there, but the talent you have will be hardly translated to the content.

If you're not enjoying it, then we all can agree we rather see you having fun than dragging the content forward. I can't wait for the new series and content tho 🙂

We appreciate the sincerity, it is so rare to see that lately. We're with you 🤍

M. A. Reyes 2022-10-29 - 3:25 am

As long as you beat the league, I think that's a good stopping point!! I've been enjoying the series because I always find it fun to see how people do their own takes on the Pokemon formula, but even from watching your videos, I can understand why the game might be difficult to get through. At least you gave the game a fair shake though.

Ahmi_spam 2022-10-29 - 3:25 am

Yea man Don't play its fully for choice and you beat the game already technically its fine but a new version of radical red is out so maybe you could play that

Robbert 2022-10-29 - 3:48 am

That title of the first vid in this series is quite ironic now, isn’t it.
The fact that viewers are lower then normal shows you’re not the only one that enjoys this game less, so you shouldn’t feel bad about it.
Me personally enjoyed the series, but its very edgy, so its for a special audience.
Hope you find a more enjoyable series to do next!

Lilithicanna 2022-10-29 - 3:54 am

I respect your decision, it is always better to do wht you like than ust finishing it for the sake of going "I finished the game"

Kyrion Bookshield 2022-10-29 - 4:23 am

Well it is what it is. :3 Thank you for enjoying the game with us, as far as we could. :3

Bilkmin 2022-10-29 - 4:24 am

I always find it so weird that pokemon fan games are so edgy. Like this one starts with a stadium bombing and the fact you kill the charizard. Like why?

Charlie C 2022-10-29 - 5:10 am

Not every fan game / rom hack is made equally, and not all of them are gonna be fun to play for everyone. Shit happens, don't worry about it

Sin 2022-10-29 - 5:11 am

I'm okay with this, I'm always more invested in the Cal than the game 👍

Connor Lynch 2022-10-29 - 8:06 am

Sad to see you won't be continuing. I share your dislikes about fangames so when you said Xenoverse was good I played it, same with Opalo. I personally loved Opalo and was looking forward to seeing you finish it, but if you already don't like it then there's no point doing a whole second region. Hope you find another game to play that you enjoy. 🙂

Light_Void_ Phantom 2022-10-29 - 8:19 am

To be honest I wasn't very invested in the game either, so much so that I'd watch a few minutes to like the videos and that was about it, happy to see you choosing the stop after the champion battle

Celty Rysuje 2022-10-29 - 9:39 am

That's good. I stopped watching after like 3rd episode because the game was so boring…

MorphoBlu 2022-10-29 - 10:13 am

You can take a break, hope you come back to it

TheMetalHazard 2022-10-29 - 11:38 am

i have to ask. Are the trainers in the new region hard? because i have not ev/iv trained anything.

Jeremy C. 2022-10-29 - 1:47 pm

It's quite alright. You do you and I thank you for what you already do

anouk postema 2022-10-29 - 2:59 pm

I’ve played the game, I absolutely adore the game, love the story

If you don’t enjoy something I would say just stop and find something you do enjoy

Just_A_Rebel 2022-10-29 - 3:38 pm

Don't finish it if you aren't enjoying it anymore we want to see you play something you enjoy and theres way too much content for u to sit through I understand I honestly felt the same too didn't finish alot of the episodes cus the game wasn't as entertaining as it was at first for me either

Amane 2022-10-29 - 4:00 pm

I think you should not play any fangames

player1237 2022-10-29 - 5:30 pm

I actually like this post game reviews after you complete or stop playing a game on your channel

Brendan Roe 2022-10-29 - 9:53 pm

Best fan game I've played in a while but to each their own!

Mondays suck 2022-10-29 - 10:46 pm

Can you please react to the original version of Pokémon I’m the same style

Sigma 2022-10-30 - 4:05 am

Ey, I always respected that you do what you want at the end of the day Cal, here for ya regardless. I really was looking forward to you doing the post game because the story really takes off, but how you feel comes first, and I'm sure your fans can agree on that

44'sMindscape 2022-10-30 - 9:29 am

This guy is a ledgend

Vegetal Triste 2022-10-30 - 12:38 pm

I`ll just end up echoing everyone here, but if it`s not working for you, it`s fine. I enjoy your videos mainly for you, the game was cool to watch but whatever you decide to play will still be great, specially if you enjoy it.

Mitsa S 2022-10-30 - 2:45 pm

I lovet Apolos story. But I andorstan yo point.

Pelzklops 2022-10-31 - 3:50 am

What a shame, i really looked forward to new opalo episodes, but dont feel bad. after all its your channel, your content, there is not much usye to it if you dont have fun producing it. If you want tot try out a really good fan game, i can definitly recommend pokemon insurgence. the storyline is sick, the design of the region is awesome, the pokemon training is probably the best ive seen so far (you can buy a secret base accessable from every pokemon center where you can put ev trainers, iv trainers, exp grinders and everything else) and the regional forms are absolutely on fire. definitly my favorite fan game of all time and i would love to see you give it a shot.
btw really looking forward to your upcoming S&V content, keep it up, love you cal

TTyronE 2022-10-31 - 8:14 am

Opalo has been a fun watch so far, but if it's too taxing to carry on playing then drop it. If you don't enjoy it, we don't enjoy it.

K2Bros 2022-10-31 - 9:24 am

Play Dark Souls

Bad Dragonite 2022-10-31 - 10:47 am

Is that the same fan game where the creator got really mad that the English version was more successful and that blocked Sacred almighty?

extreme smarts 2022-10-31 - 1:58 pm

me personally I saw the native american froslass and I kinda just 😟

Some Gem 2022-10-31 - 7:45 pm

Rip Opalo. It tried its hardest.

WurmZ 2022-11-01 - 12:01 am


Smart Gamer 2022-11-01 - 9:23 am

It's okay Cal, you do you. I will still look forward to the next game you will play.

And if you don't mind me asking, what app do you use for running Pokemon fan games? I wanna try to make them work on my tablet.

Michael Caban 2022-11-01 - 11:15 pm

I felt like that about XenoVerse. It got repetitive and the lack of animations just killed it for me.

Hila 2022-11-03 - 5:01 pm

Finally the yikes racist fangame is over 😭😭😭

Michael Smith 2022-11-03 - 8:34 pm

I did enjoy watching you playing it in the short cut down hrs but I don't blame you I don't think I could play it myself.

Casual Chikorita 2022-11-04 - 1:22 pm

I got an idea pokemon zeta or omicron fan games theyre like insurgence and actually prequels in a sense and same difficulty and story focus

Brad M. 2022-11-07 - 12:28 pm

I started my playthrough of the game in October. Got busy and had to put it down for a bit. Picked it back up and in a week I had completed the first region. I saved and then took the rest of the day away from it. The next day, I boot it up. I prepare myself for the 2nd region. I'm about to save once more before beginning the 2nd region…the game crashes and my save file gets corrupted. I instantly deleted the game from my computer and went to go find a different fan game to play. I will only come back to Opalo when its more polished.

Maxine A. Sakaki 2022-11-07 - 8:30 pm

The thing with spanish is that people talk a lot in so little time and the translation just translated every word by word, an sentence in Spanish is way bigger than one in English for some reason xd, but ye is fine if you don't want to keep playing it you cool

D0MiN0 2022-11-09 - 8:28 am

I feel like no matter what, fan games just can't win 😅 Sometimes people complain they're too short, othertimes they're apparently too long. 50+ hours for a 2-region fandmade game is my personal match made in heaven and I really can't thank you enough for introducing Ópalo on your channel; otherwise I'd probably never found out about it! I'm having a real blast and will have plenty of hours to kill in the game until Scarlet/Violet come out.

Edit: grammar

Slateport Raichu 2022-11-11 - 12:28 pm

Don't push yourself=) We want you to enjoy the thing you play=)

Abel Doc 2023-02-25 - 2:59 pm

I'm now into the second region and I can't get enough. I feel that the story and dialogue is the best i've ever experienced in a Pokemon game

Margie A 2023-06-05 - 8:28 pm

This game deserves to be flamed for the simple fact that they have a black player character, BUT when you choose that one, you get no starting money as opposed to the other two PC's you start out with money. The developer also did this on their new game, Pokemon Anil. Why would they even make a black PC and give them no money if they are that prejudiced, then just don't make a black PC! I find it reprehensible (and I'm white).

Ayiden Brown 2023-07-22 - 2:22 am

I have really enjoyed this game, but the ending killed my joy of actually beating it. It’s so bloated in the final moments in area 151 for no reason


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