A Expedição Pegasus – (Grande Estratégia do Império Espacial)

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

The Pegasus Expedition é um grande jogo de estratégia de ficção científica baseado em história ambientado em um momento chave para a sobrevivência da humanidade. Enfrentando uma ameaça esmagadora em casa, a humanidade envia expedições à Galáxia Pegasus em uma tentativa desesperada de encontrar um refúgio para a população da Terra. The Pegasus Expedition no Steam: Quer apoiar o canal? • Patreon: • YouTube Supporter: • Tips: • Amazon Affiliate: …* Notable Playlists by Nookrium *… • 2022 Indie Games: • Colony Sims: • Jogos Grátis: • Classics: • Empire Builders: • Base Building Survival : • Jogos espaciais: • RPGs de fantasia: • Construtores casuais: • Criação de mapas: • Mesa noturna: • Twitch – • Twitter – • Discord – #nookrium #indiegames #thepegasusexpedition



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Ivan Soregashi 2022-06-22 - 5:21 pm

Looks good

Milkshake Barrage 2022-06-22 - 10:25 pm

Looks intredasting. You pronounce Jurić with a ch (like choo choo, the locomotive whistle onomatopoeia, back of tongue meets roof while getting the sound out), rather than a hard "k" when you see the c with the apostrophe from Balkans. Just the more you know.

Jason Nguyen 2022-06-22 - 11:02 pm

I like it.

Rubyismycat Man 2022-06-23 - 3:44 am

this game looks great definatelybuying this one ty Nookmiester!

zazander732 2022-06-28 - 2:44 am

They don't question how the battle and subsequent killing of the Empress could be so easy? Clearly is more going on. Could be a ploy by another player to make humanity look like a monster and cause other races to work together to get rid of them. Could be a power play by another faction in the Empire. They just throw up their hands and say "Welp that was lucky."

Dowdox 2022-06-28 - 4:18 am

Why the have all the same face ? x)

Aurinkohirvi 2022-07-10 - 10:43 am

Are them people debating what to do, a scripted thing? If it's not and they actually pop-up as reacting to what is happening in the game, then I'm alright with it (although didn't see point to have it). But if it repeats the same every time, then it's getting really old and limiting real fast.


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