Olá pessoal, vou mostrar a vocês como obter Star Wars Jedi Survivor GRATUITAMENTE no Xbox, PS4, PS5, PC Steam, ei pessoal, jogo de aventura aqui, vou mostrar como obter Star Wars Jedi Survivor gratuitamente e baixar o jogo inteiro!
Que tal jogar Star Wars Jedi: Survivor de graça?
É natural querer aproveitar um jogo tão bom quanto Star Wars Jedi: Survivor sem gastar nada. Mas, infelizmente, não há uma maneira oficial e legal de obter o jogo gratuitamente no momento.
Por que não é possível?
- Desenvolvimento: A criação de um jogo como esse envolve uma equipe enorme e muitos recursos financeiros. Oferecê-lo de graça tornaria inviável a continuação de projetos desse porte.
- Direitos autorais: A Lucasfilm e a Electronic Arts detêm os direitos de Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, e a distribuição gratuita viola os termos de uso e as leis de propriedade intelectual.
O que você pode fazer?
Embora não seja possível obter o jogo gratuitamente de forma legal, existem algumas alternativas:
- Aguarder promoções: As plataformas digitais costumam realizar promoções com descontos significativos em jogos, inclusive lançamentos recentes. Fique de olho nas lojas da PlayStation, Xbox e Steam.
- Aluguel de jogos: Algumas plataformas permitem alugar jogos por um período determinado, permitindo que você experimente o game sem precisar comprá-lo.
- Procurar demos: Em alguns casos, os desenvolvedores liberam demos jogáveis gratuitamente, para que os jogadores possam experimentar uma pequena parte do jogo antes de comprá-lo.
- Compartilhar a experiência: Se você conhece alguém que possui o jogo, pergunte se é possível jogar em sua casa ou online, caso o game ofereça essa opção.
this is obviously scam, extremely bad acting. go ahead and delete my comment like you do with any of the real ones! I am dissapointed, be better!
Dude bought some bots to comment on his video, wtf
Can you help me? I cannot get this to work.
pls send me link bro
it is fake don't do it
Those three tasks can't be completed even if we do everything. its just fake
That's really sad, this is an old channel that used to make simple gameplay videos, videos that go up to 14 years ago. Most likely has been bought or hacked and now posted a video filled with bots and false advertisement.
What's with all these ChatGP auto generated bait comments ?
this was a gret video but it still hasn t worked for me
Fake as hell. Never trust the "Download to verify" pages. No matter how many times people like this say "it totally works! I thought it was a scam!"….It usually is
Can i get that free code ? i am having trouble
i was trying to get the game can you provide it
New subscriber here and thank you for the tips and your cool videos! I am sad, never got a coupon, I tried the site, 2 links are down. Hoping you can gift me free coupon.
Wasn’t able to download it. I play on Xbox Series S. The offers weren’t working for me. Pls help.
"Complete + more offer(s) to continue,
Not working.
Scams people and shows his face on video, the nerves…
It didn't work for me.
All comments 2 months ago. I smell BS!.
Steam t3n7i
Can I get a code for PC? LIked and subscribed!
all comments are of bots false video
My platform is ps5
So many bots
Xbox one need code
I want a code
Yeah, right. All the comments are from exactly 3 mounth ago. There's nothing sus about that, I believe that.
its Fake!
yo still have one of the game codes? would be lovely im on PC tho woul dbe cool for a reply subbed and yeah 🙂
mine did not work for me. pc steam maxeljstrht
you are a bastard
PC Cloud 210150666
cant get the code can you please help me? i have installed all the apps and playd all still didn't work
whats the website name to get free game coupons
You do know leading people to false claims, is basically the samd thing as false advertising a product the you claim to be able to get free with promising without a doubt it will work… in conclusion it didnt because i literally did every offer almost amd still nothing.. so ima day DM me for loss time and buy it for me, i mean ive downloaded your video for evidence of false claims
buy more bots lol