Destroy All Humans 2 é o remake perfeito (revisão)

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

O remake de destruir todos os humanos 2 é o remake perfeito. Este remake é tão bom que envergonha o último remake da parte 1 de nós. Então, logo de cara, se você estava se perguntando se destruir todos os humanos 2 reprovados é bom, a resposta é absolutamente retumbante. O design do personagem é fantástico, a jogabilidade é mais divertida do que nunca e a história e o humor são mil vezes melhores do que o Saints Row Reboot. Na verdade, nesta revisão de destruir todos os humanos 2, continuarei incansavelmente comparando este remake com o novo jogo Saints Row por causa de como isso foi horrível e como isso é incrível. Mas, de qualquer forma, aproveite esta análise e jogabilidade reprovada de destruir todos os humanos 2, que mais uma vez prova que temos todas as ferramentas para fazer os melhores jogos, basta o desenvolvedor certo que se importa o suficiente para fazê-lo. FLEEKAZOID Twitter:



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S G 2023-02-19 - 6:24 am

I came here for crypto. But I was not expecting such a brutal roast of the current game industry hahaha. Games centered around fun seem to be so rare now. Like they're so focused on all these features or making something competitive or profitable, they forget the point of a video game.

Mark M 2023-02-24 - 4:36 pm

wait wait wait wait wait. Back the fuck up. Your telling me they remade one of the most fun sandbox games of its time AND added skins that you UNLOCK BY PLAYING THE GAME!!!!

I'm sorry did I wake up back when games were actually good and not soulless cash grab live service garbage?

all_your_base r_belong_to_us 2023-03-01 - 1:49 pm

Gonna buy this tonight. Looks like gucci fun

YT NukesMe 2023-03-02 - 12:39 pm

doesn't surprise me the mainstream shells slandered this game.

also, my god, "I've made a few adjustments" is the perfect line to cap this duology. 😂

Nay Pringlis 2023-03-05 - 7:53 am

I see no budgets were cut in this one

SammEater 2023-03-12 - 3:15 pm

Destroy all Humans 2 was my game of the year. It was like being back at the golden era of PS2 games.

Krummy Brinkle Jr. 2023-03-15 - 11:28 pm

Almost like gamers still want the things we've always wanted, without a niche group telling us how to think. You've sold me on buying this game.

Jonathan Jefry 2023-03-21 - 12:06 am

I know that this is an old video and i know that this is and old videogame but really thanks i was thinking about which of the two games to get and the destroy all the humans 2 remake seems more better and it looks alive and has more love put more work on thats nice for the game 👍

RogueSpartan 285 2023-03-25 - 10:12 pm

4:11… there are no accidents

Mongrel84 2023-03-30 - 10:17 am

I fucking loved this game back in the day, glad to see it got a worthy remake

Light Keeper123 2023-03-31 - 11:34 pm

Aight. Lets remake Path of the Furon

BenHuss 2023-04-11 - 4:11 pm

I love when YouTubers shit on modern open-world games ala Ubisoft.
It's mostly facts

joesashiify 2023-04-17 - 2:04 pm

Reminds me of the crazy sh*t from Saints Row 2. Idk why I never bothered with ps2 version once upon at time.

Megamax 2023-04-21 - 6:21 am

IGN- "Some of the jokes feel a bit out of place and dated for 2022." In other words, they are funny. And that statement makes no sense to me, the game takes place in the 1960s, and a lot of the jokes make sense in that context.

Aon Brogan 2023-04-28 - 12:36 am

Not making a cryptocurrency joke is so fucking stupid because it's 1969 so THEY MAKE A CRYPTOGRAPHY JOKE

Bando Gora 2023-05-01 - 12:52 pm

I'm going to buy this eventually. I got the Spyro trilogy remaster and it truly took me back in time to happier times, and at a very reasonable price. It's almost like they should, I dunno, PAY ATTENTION TO THE FANS and remaster all the old gems for $40. They have a fortune sitting right at their fingertips and they won't even touch it.

Zalachaen 2023-05-08 - 9:37 am

when a remake of a ps2 game is more enjoyable not afraid of potentially offensive jokes then current AAA sensitive crap today

nickikz 2023-05-09 - 4:18 am

ive been binge watching your videos all night lol

Kirk Findlay 2023-05-09 - 8:19 am

Absolutly one of the best remakes ever made. Didn't try to change a single thing to appease to the hive mind. The diologue was ripped right from the original, unchanged, unfiltered. All it had to do was smooth out the combat, bring a few ideas from the last game into this one and bada boom you have a remake that expands upon it's original without destroying what made it great in the first place.

Wait…. they actually thought they should do a cryptocurrency joke?… do they know the game is just resuing all the diologue from the original…. you know… back in a time that's in the sixties…. made in a time before crypto existed. Jesus these people really are bottom of the barrel stupid.

Warystatue33 Born again 2023-05-09 - 10:36 pm

Easy builds

B M 2023-05-10 - 5:13 pm

2006 humans dangerously knew what a woman was and didn't have emotional support ferrets.

Dark Death 2023-05-11 - 1:49 am

These developers are G's, they know that PLOT and humor with good combat means big wins.
That the good ending is being able to FUCK again as a species. Where cloning is NOT morally dubious, rather funny and honestly the best way to explain a respawn mechanic.

Man 2023-05-11 - 8:45 am

I replayed the first one on game pass. It was amazing. Never played the reboot to the second one but I think I will buy it this weekend.

Vimorain 2023-05-13 - 8:40 am

only thing i hate in these 2 games is "stealth" missions. hate those to no end .

Toki Wartooth 2023-05-13 - 5:38 pm

3:28 – I'm not sure about the context of the Saint's Row games or this scene. But it looks hypocritical of the big industry narrative. Also there's not a single interesting woman anywhere. Looks like a room of men. They don't even have twin 8 foot Russian ballerina robots.

one4all~all4one 2023-05-14 - 4:10 pm

I hope they remaster path of furon.

Aaron Martel 2023-05-16 - 1:26 pm

I Really Can't Stop Laughing Because It So True This Game Is So Fun & Amazing To Play lol

Snack pack 2023-05-16 - 1:43 pm

I can’t even remember when I played a game that has girls with actual boobs in the last 10 years. Definitely picking this up

Harshil Patel 2023-05-17 - 10:04 am

ah yes cad bane child going on kill spree hell yeah 😂😂

Mint0 2023-05-17 - 11:00 am

3:47 the mad lads actually animated the boobs, you love to see it when all other companies have gone woke.

Thomas Koehler 2023-05-18 - 2:44 am

That just might be the last real woman in all of gaming and by God, I WILL Destroy all Humans before I let that beautiful creature fall into the hands of the gelatinous blob of assimilating monstrosity that is Twitter, IGN, and the mainstream gaming “journalism.”

A. Nonymouse 2023-05-20 - 5:38 am

Critics: This game is not suitable for a modern audience… Me: Stop it, I need to call my doctor, my erection has lasted longer than 24 hours.

River Latray 2023-05-24 - 12:59 am

Not sure why IGN is so pissed about it not being a challenge, like they are good at video games or something lol.

John Miller 2023-05-24 - 3:18 am


no life space man 2023-05-27 - 10:30 pm


Лев Montagne 2023-05-31 - 3:54 pm

Those MASSIVE BUDGETS alone make this game worth it.

Davis Goodrich 2023-06-02 - 2:13 am

The perfect remake, for Fleek.

Arbana Lechordin 2023-06-02 - 11:42 am

I have one question. Can you play as the hot russian chick the whole game? Or is she a sidekick?

Félix Leclerc 2023-06-08 - 10:19 pm

I cant believe people actully look or even believe ign anymore each games review is worst then the last

jebb12 2023-06-17 - 5:12 pm

Long story short, this game good, saints row bad, ign sucks

Dessian1st 2023-06-22 - 1:49 am

Anyone know what the end song is? Its catchy.

Ch4osKing66 2023-06-22 - 3:37 pm


Dimension C-137 2023-06-23 - 5:55 am

I do not know what parallel universe you're from but it was awful the worst. the weapons didn't do much to the enemies. jetpack was rubbish. the ship capabilities was only blowing up buildings. I give the remake zero out of 10


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