Enclave HD – Trailer oficial de anúncio da data de lançamento

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Enclave HD é uma versão atualizada e remasterizada do jogo retrô hack-and-slasher em terceira pessoa que permite aos jogadores lutar pela luz ou pela escuridão a seu critério. O Enclave HD oferece doze classes diferentes e várias opções de armas, criando grande rejogabilidade enquanto você desce masmorras, completa missões e derrota seus inimigos. Esta versão moderna do jogo traz visuais atualizados, novas faixas de música e muito mais. Enclave HD será lançado em 29 de junho para PlayStation 4, Xbox One e Nintendo Switch.



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Lynch85 2023-06-07 - 4:14 pm

The original Dark Souls.

360spinupdownup 2023-06-07 - 6:10 pm

Very nice. Always wanted to play this. There is something about games from this era not easily matched by modern games. Also big fan of games from Starbreeze.

Aegis7survivor 2023-06-07 - 8:57 pm

Hell yes! Finally something worthy of the trouble gets a re-release.

Ka_mook 2023-06-08 - 3:21 am

No PC? wtf?

Indyblue17 2023-06-08 - 10:59 am

I'm stunned that this is getting a remaster 20 years after it originally came out. Surely a reboot would have better? No PC version?

Wesley dub 2023-06-08 - 2:40 pm

These next gen graphics look amazing😁

Женя Петров 2023-06-10 - 1:45 pm

Ну будем надеяться, что в этот раз выпустят. Уж очень хочется на свиче в портативе пройти. В противном случае я себе скорее стим дек куплю и пройду на нем, чем дождусь эту версию))

WillieManga 2023-06-12 - 6:51 am

The heck? I'm all for Xbox games being remade, but… T?? The original Enclave was M for mature? Why the sudden change of heart?

辰无产哟 2023-06-22 - 1:13 pm

no pc?

DraculaTepes420 2023-06-25 - 5:14 pm

If they can re release a game this old then they should be able to do the Same for The Suffering (currently owned by warner bros entertainment)

innoutraged 2023-06-29 - 2:41 am

It’s supposed to be out today, but suddenly the PlayStation Network hasn’t heard of it.

Tvoy Hater 2023-06-29 - 7:17 am

cant belive someone still remember about this masterpeace


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