Monopoly Madness – UM JOGO DE BRAWLING?! (Jogabilidade para 4 jogadores)

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Stumpt experimenta o Monopoly Madness! Você tem que sugar dinheiro, energia, água e power-ups. E então use esses recursos para comprar e atualizar propriedades! ► Siga-nos: ●Twitch: ●Patreon: ●Website: ●Discord: ●Twitter: ●Jogadores Stumpt: PO Box 83914, PORTLAND OU 97283 ●Merch Store: ●Game Store: ► Também somos um Criador Apoiado pela Epic! Use nosso código épico: STUMPTGAMERS para ajudar a apoiar nosso canal! Saiba mais sobre este jogo aqui:



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GazeR 2021-12-25 - 11:36 pm

jas silently bid two houses for 2M

M0DFATH3R 2021-12-26 - 11:20 pm

too kiddy for me

Ashley Saine 2021-12-28 - 10:50 pm

This is one of the most unique and fun party games I’ve played in years. Looking forward to playing with friends and going nuts without a huge competitive cutthroat feeling you get from Mario party or Mario kart

VortexOmen 2021-12-31 - 6:17 am

ash had noooo idea what he was doing lol

Mark C 2022-01-02 - 7:04 am

so they've made it twitch-based as a board game on console is lumbersome and boring, but this just seems chaotic. Maybe it's the right direction though.

angelicgothfurry 2022-01-05 - 12:42 pm

What next? Monopoly punch out; where you face off against Mr Moneybags in a pseudo Mike Tyson's punch out game using gold bricks as power ups instead of stars? I get jealous of some of the games Stumpt plays, and then there is this and I'm thankful they played it so I don't have to.

FireHeart 2022-01-23 - 6:06 am

I am gobsmacked at what I just watched 😂 I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not!
Hey still happy to watch y’all 🥰

SonnyBoi 2022-01-30 - 10:25 pm


Mark Simmons 2022-02-06 - 2:45 am

Downloaded it and played it, the mechanics feel a little bit like Overcooked. It DOES take a little while to figure out, but I'm hooked. A great change of pace from Anno, Assasin's Creed, Doom Eternal or StarCraft 2. I'd give it a shot if you like a kind of "Unreal Domination-style"' approach to Monopoly.

SunDoka 2022-02-06 - 12:05 pm

that ginger girl is so annoying…

Cuteness Overload 2022-04-29 - 12:09 pm

why are you nagging so much ? just shut up and play the stupid game

Boola69 2022-08-02 - 4:43 am

Thanks for the review. That's just saved me twenty quid!

Joe B 2022-08-29 - 6:18 pm

I don't understand how to buy hotels in this game. I see options for houses but I don't get the hotel aspect

MarcoOdW 2022-10-04 - 11:30 am

I really hope you give it a try ^^. it looks interesting and funny. nice day all

yipperno51 2022-10-09 - 11:12 am

I learned how this game works, but lost brain cells watching you four play it out.

Hector Portillo 2022-10-22 - 4:38 pm

wait what's wrong with the classic monopoly plus? I think it's greats it literally monopoly just on a system instead. but this game does look horrendous, I'll say that much.

Gordon m 2022-11-01 - 1:12 pm

To be perfectly honest, you 3 "presenters" talking over each other, desperate to be the one who is heard, is by FAR more annoying than the Monopoly man talking.

Sonicly Qaulan 2022-12-13 - 7:37 am

confusing but fun 😂

Noel Joseph 2022-12-24 - 1:16 pm

Bought this game last night, and we love it.

Aaron Shattuck 2022-12-27 - 8:44 pm

It's Mario Party if Mario Party sucked.

Big L Rest In Peace '1974/1999 2023-01-01 - 4:31 pm

Monopoly Streets way better.

Cart1416 2023-05-18 - 8:55 am

Monopoly Plus is the best Monopoly, great graphics, a great city board, you can even make your own


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