O Final da Expedição Pegasus: Grandes Heróis Malditos

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

O espaço de biomassa está destruindo as frotas – temos que nos mover rápido e colocar o segundo portal no lugar antes que sejamos destruídos pelo atrito. Podemos fazer isso antes que mais frotas sejam destruídas?



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Jaakko Vesterinen 2022-12-31 - 10:11 am

Congrats on reaching the end!

Gallowglass 2022-12-31 - 10:43 am

Yeah we hear so much about this threat that’s pushed humanity back to just the soul system, I’m a little disappointed we don’t get to see the colossals. But it was enjoyable regardless.

Ace_the_Race 2023-03-11 - 8:11 pm

The final battle did seem a little underwhelming, they could have made it so that we have to hold the supply route to that system for a few turns or something, or it's possible that you were just too strong, we did take our sweet time getting there after all. And oh boy did we leave our mark on the pegasus galaxy, supporting every rebel or reformist we come across, and genociding half the galaxy. Still an enjoyable experience, will look forward to more.

Ace_the_Race 2023-03-11 - 8:12 pm

Fitting, our expedition ended at the years end.


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