Trepang2 – Trailer de atraso

by Marcos Paulo Vilela

Dos entusiastas aos críticos mais analíticos, cada um de vocês fez a diferença no nosso jogo, e como ele é criado. Desde o lançamento da demo, a recepção tem sido fantástica e todos vocês nos motivam a entregar um jogo doentio, com um enredo de tamanho decente, com grande valor de repetição e personalização. Até agora, estamos perto, mas nós quatro só precisamos de um pouco mais de tempo. Obrigado por ficar conosco e nos permitir criar o jogo que queremos fazer, e o jogo que todos vocês merecem. ♥ Steam: Twitter: Discord: #TrepangStudios #Trepang2



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The problem Starters 2022-10-24 - 9:00 pm

Yeah take your time with it, we want a finished polish game not a another battlefield or vangaurd

I am the person who asked 2022-10-25 - 5:22 am

Btw will full version be paid or free?

Spinazzola 2022-10-25 - 6:46 am

I like how the maps look like gmod ones but ultra realistic

BlairH8K 2022-10-25 - 8:37 am

Apparently there is a subtle ads in new game plus, fear style, now we just need a lean and it will be perfect!

Joe Mama 2022-10-27 - 5:36 pm

Who the hell socked Wilson in the face, like i'm just as annoyed about the delay as anyone else but you didn't need to Mike Tyson him.

Mona Wiegand 2022-10-28 - 1:38 pm


Arkham BeyondX 2022-10-30 - 7:44 am

What you're committing today isn't Justice, it's Punishment.

Unfortunate Replica 2022-10-31 - 4:15 am

Is there a ruff estimate on when this game will release

GooseEDITS 2022-11-02 - 2:36 am

This dev and running with scissors are goofy devs I really like to see. These guy are awesome!

Retrograde_ 2022-11-03 - 12:26 pm

I'd much rather have a polished and finalized game later-on over a rushed and messy early release, take all the time you need fellas. 🙂

Drakster06 2022-11-04 - 9:52 am

when will the soundtracks be able to play on spotify?
they are so fucking good

Fobo 2022-11-07 - 10:01 pm

genuinely so happy they're not forcing this game to be done before its done, with something this awesome you do not wanna make the mistake of taking it out the oven before its ready, take as much time as you need, idc if it comes out in 2024, as long as the vision of this game you guys have is fulfilled to its fullest

Colin Knapp 2022-11-08 - 9:36 pm

I can't believe how under viewed this trailer is. I cannot wait for this title. Delays are fine, get it done right!

OnlyFails 2022-11-12 - 10:53 pm

Can't wait to see some new unique stuff made from the amazing Trepang Studios team!
I'll be reminding myself the whole time that this isn't F.E.A.R. and I won't be expecting that lol.

RyanArtward 2022-11-14 - 10:01 pm

Take all the time you need fellas! We’re rooting for you!

pyro plays stuff 2022-11-14 - 11:05 pm

there have been already 2 hints at the identity of subject 106. but option 1 is a more clear option.
The syndicate that saved us on the prologue, had invisibility powers like us, and were quite skillful with, alot of things.
Most likely saved us since, we were also a syndicate and "they" located where 106 was.

OOR, he was a task force 27 operative. Stumbled apon something he shouldn't, and got sent to HORIZON.
Then HORIZON did those 'experiments' and we ended up as who we are now. if this is the case, that syndicate also had those modifications to be able to go invisible as well.

Vlad Medushevskiy 2022-11-17 - 1:01 pm

Okay, I'll wait)))

yamiimax 2022-11-19 - 3:23 pm

Nice it really feels like a new FEAR game with good graphics thanks for your work

SepticSauce 2022-11-28 - 4:11 am

This just made me want it MORE! D:

Awesome work though!

Austen Sperry 2022-12-03 - 12:14 pm

Take all the time you need! From everything I’ve seen of this game, you guys are making a truly epic experience!

Armando Guerra 2022-12-03 - 2:13 pm


Young Blood Wolf 2022-12-04 - 8:00 pm

Take time, a polished beauty is better then an optimized mess like Battlefield 2042

TacticalBananas 2022-12-05 - 11:28 pm

i'll admit, i'm a bit new to this game and it's subgenre, only having beaten the original FEAR earlier this year. but goddamn, everything i've seen so far has hyped me up.

I will gladly wait for 2023 to see this game come to fruition. maybe then i'll have a computer to run it at max graphics lol

Vlay 2022-12-12 - 7:26 am

try to make it run well so i can play it
don t release it if is not ready
you are not cyberpunk 2077, no need to feel presured

That0neGuyGames 2022-12-13 - 1:37 am

AAA is forgiven all the the time like CP 2077 which is still a shit game.
They aren't releasing till its ready. Imagine not releasing an unfinished product.
Again, keep it up and can't wait.

theneounknown 2022-12-15 - 3:39 pm

Four people?! You guys are crazy, but good luck trying to wrap this up! Think of this as a spiritual successor to F.E.A.R. Too bad it won't be on Xbox, but I'm certain GmanLives will be fucking amazed on this game.

Alc0h0lic_G4mer52 2022-12-19 - 5:16 pm

Take as much time as you need. Don't rush it, take your time, patience and in the end you'll get the success you deserve.

Habertod 2022-12-22 - 10:18 pm

so this is the "real" F.E.A.R. 2?
I like it!

DP N 2023-01-01 - 9:58 am

Dude, every time I go back to the demo in the past year, I have such a blast of a time. The way you guys made this game look and feel, 2 levels and 3 combat arenas along with the "backrooms" kept me coming back for well over a year. It's obvious how much love and care went into making this masterpiece, and what you guys are delivering really is just above and beyond expectations. By all means, take as much time as you need. If it makes the game better, then I have 0 complaints. Sea Cucumber all the way and happy New Year's 🎉

Gus Klempel 2023-01-02 - 6:49 pm

Small question will this ever be on console

keretaberapi 2023-01-06 - 3:21 pm

im sorry for asking this but will the game be free?

Qwyn 2023-01-08 - 1:59 pm

Honestly, the wait is worth the replay value in the demo is really good as well. Combat sim is pretty cool also I think this game will be really great once its open to the public and since I read all the things that will be featured in the "full" game (I put full in quotations because I'm sure there's more to come) I feel the price will be around $10-40. that doesn't make me more distant from it though, I can still have all the fun I want in the demo. And if there was anything I'd like to add it would be a custom crosshair system, It would be really cool especially if you could make it static and non static.

Bard TV 2023-01-08 - 6:42 pm

Haven't been excited about a game in years, but this one is looking fantastic. Loved the demo

drinking robot 2023-01-13 - 2:42 am

Take your sweet sweet time

Nekrom O' zone 2023-01-14 - 1:49 pm

Amazing 👏 🙀

Alegotron Nortogela 2023-01-16 - 12:51 am

This game has been in development so long I keep forgetting it exists.. and every time I remember and check to make sure it wasn't cancelled I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm on a FEAR binge, the slow motion combat is just too good. This looks, on a gameplay level, to be even crazier and gorier than FEAR. From what I played of the demo, it could be even better. It looks faster, more violent and more open to creativity. Take all the time your team needs, because we can tell this is gonna be the cult classic of the decade

Delavegachamps 2023-01-18 - 12:00 am

OMG, Take your time!
But also, when is it? at least put it up on steam release date.

OvePowned 2023-01-21 - 8:39 pm

A game company making a good decision in delaying a game to make it great? Never been done before

TheGoodSenator 2023-01-27 - 2:40 pm

We all loved the demo we want it all now!

Oh_Hi_Mark_17 2023-01-30 - 7:43 pm

Great Demo you guys got. Looking forward to it. Appreciate the time and respect you're giving it. Have a great 2023!

TenshihanQuinn 2023-02-03 - 11:21 pm


tobias reichel 2023-02-04 - 6:25 pm

howw longgg

Delta Beta 2023-02-05 - 4:30 am

A spiritual successor to F.E.A.R with Cloak and hoards of enemies! Now that's how you make a game.

MrProtsky 2023-02-07 - 9:42 am

Take as much time as needed !

BRAVO 2023-02-19 - 5:03 pm


zAllex Music 2023-03-02 - 3:46 pm

0:26 God, please have mercy on the souls within that room. I think they`ve payed their sins in full. That was horrifying. 😵‍💫

Glocko 2023-03-21 - 2:25 pm

This soundtrack sounds like it's going to to be the GOAT.

Take as much time as you need boys. Remember "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

Please let me watch you succeed friends.

horizon soldier 2023-03-23 - 10:05 am

what are doing today isnt justice… ITS GENOCIDE

balanoidik 2023-05-15 - 3:42 pm

The music is so goddamn good and fitting, you're making my ears orgasm.

balanoidik 2023-06-03 - 7:41 am

Gianni, are we the baddies?


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