MONEY CHEAT FOR THE SIMS 4 All Consoles-wisegamer

by Marcos Paulo Vilela


The Sims 4: see cheats, codes and tips for PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One

It is possible to activate cheats in The Sims 4 to obtain advantages, such as more money, acquiring skills and objects. The Electronic Arts game has several useful codes and tricks for players who want gameplay free from the difficulties of real life. TechTudo lists cheats and codes to use in The Sims 4, available for download on PC, MacOS, PlayStation 4 (PS4) and Xbox One. It is worth remembering that there are requirements and tips to run The Sims 4.

To use the cheats, the user must first open The Sims 4 cheat console. If you are playing on PC, to open it, simply click on the SHIFT + CTRL + C keys; while, on MacOS, click COMMAND + SHIFT + C. On PS4, simultaneously press the L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 triggers, and, to cheat on Xbox One, press LT + LB + RT + RB.

Want to use cheats in The Sims 4? See the full list!

wisegamer gathered the main cheats for The Sims 4. Next, check out the topics that will be covered in this list.

How to activate cheats in The Sims 4 for PS4 and Xbox One;
The Sims 4: check cheats and general codes;
The Sims 4: codes to improve skills;
The Sims 4: cheats for professional promotions;
The Sims 4: cheats to modify your Sim’s mood.

1. How to activate cheats in The Sims 4 for PS4 and Xbox One
To use cheats on PS4 and Xbox One, you must first enable the function in the game. To do this, with the cheats console open, type “testingcheats true” and press enter. The game will issue an alert that you are allowing the codes and, as a result, you will no longer receive trophies in the save in question.

2. The Sims 4: check out cheats and general codes

Below, check out the main general function codes in the game. Remember that, to activate them, just write them in the game’s cheat console.

aspirations.complete_current_milestoneCompleta o marco (milestone) atual
fps [on | off]Exibe (on) ou não (off) a taxa de quadros por segundo
freerealestate [on | off]Funciona apenas na tela da vizinhança. Quando ativado (on), deixa todas as casas gratuitas. Retorna aos valores normais com off
fullscreenEntra no modo de tela cheia
helpMostra os comandos que podem ser executados
headlineeffects [on | off]liga (on) ou desliga (off) efeitos que ficam acima da cabeça dos Sims, como os plumbobs (as pedras preciosas), balões de fala ou pensamento
kaching (ou rosebud)Ganhe mil simoleons
modifyrelationship (nome completo do Sim) (nome do outro Sim) (-100 a 100) [friendship_main | romance_main]Altera o relacionamento entre seu Sim e outro. Deve ser informado o nome completo do seu e do outro Sim, o tamanho da ligação e se serão amigos (friendship_main) ou par romântico(romance_main)
money [valor]Ganhe fundos para comprar casas exatamente no valor informado
motherlodeGanhe 50 mil simoleons
objects.consumables_infinite_toggleItens consumíveis infinitos
resetsim (primeiro nome) (segundo nome)Apaga seu Sim. Deve informar o nome e sobrenome. Ex: resetsim João Ninguém
quitAbandona o jogo
testingcheats [on | off]Habilita ou desabilita os cheats
Death.toggleDesligar morte
bb.showhiddenobjectsExibir objetos ocultos
casclockspeed [0-10]Acelera a criação de um Sim
sims.give_satisfaction_pointsDá pontos de satisfação para um Sim
bb.moveobjectsColoca objetos um em cima do outro (Para desativar, basta repetir o código)
bb.enablefreebuildEdite locais
cas.fulleditmodeEdite o Sim no meio do jogo
SHIFT + botão direito do mouseAbre um menu em praticamente todos os itens e personagens do jogo, podendo, por exemplo, resetá-lo. No caso de Sims, será possível adicioná-los à família. Clicando em algum lugar da vizinhança, fará com que seu Sim seja teleportado até lá
sims.add_buff Satisfaction_PointsDá ao Sim 100 pontos de satisfação (Use sims.remove_all_buffs para trazer o Sim para o estado “normal”)

3. The Sims 4: codes to improve skills

In The Sims 4, improved skills can greatly help your character’s journey, resulting in promotions in the profession of choice or improved performance in your hobbies. With the cheat console enabled, skill codes must be included according to the following formula: stats.set_skill_level <skill> <level>. It is worth remembering that the levels vary between values from 0 to 10.

The Sims 4: códigos de habilidades

AdultMajor_BartendingSeleciona a habilidade de bartender
AdultMajor_CharismaSeleciona a habilidade de carisma
AdultMajor_ComedySeleciona a habilidade cômica
AdultMajor_HomestyleCookingSeleciona a habilidade culinária caseira
AdultMajor_FishingSeleciona a habilidade de pescaria
AdultMajor_GardeningSeleciona a habilidade de jardinagem
AdultMajor_GourmetCookingSeleciona a habilidade de culinária gourmet
AdultMajor_GuitarSeleciona a habilidade de tocar violão
AdultMajor_HandinessSeleciona a habilidade de acessibilidade
AdultMajor_LogicSeleciona habilidades de lógica
AdultMajor_MischiefSeleciona a habilidade de travessuras
AdultMajor_PaintingSeleciona a habilidade de pintura
AdultMajor_PianoSeleciona a habilidade de tocar piano
AdultMajor_ProgrammingSeleciona a habilidade de programação
AdultMajor_ReapingSeleciona a habilidade de colheita
AdultMajor_RocketScienceSeleciona a habilidade de cientista
AdultMajor_VideoGamingSeleciona a habilidade de jogar videogame
AdultMajor_ViolinSeleciona a habilidade de tocar violino
AdultMajor_WritingSeleciona a habilidade de escritor
Skill_Child_CreativitySeleciona a habilidade de criatividade infantil
Skill_Child_MentalSeleciona a habilidade mental infantil
Skill_Child_MotorSeleciona a habilidade motora infantil
Skill_Child_SocialSeleciona a habilidade social infantil
Skill_FitnessSeleciona a habilidade de fitness

4. The Sims 4: cheats for professional promotions

If you don’t want to wait for your character to be promoted at work, the codes below are a great option for your gameplay. To activate them, simply open testingcheats, select your Sim and type careers.promote [career], replacing the “career” field with your profession in question (see them all in the list below).

The Sims 4: códigos para profissões

AstronautSeja promovido na carreira de astronauta
BusinessSeja promovido na carreira de administração
CriminalSeja promovido na carreira criminal
CulinarySeja promovido na carreira de cozinheiro
EntertainerSeja promovido na carreira de animador
InfluencerSeja promovido na carreira de influenciador de estilos
PainterSeja promovido na carreira de pintor
SecretAgentSeja promovido na carreira de agente secreto
TechGuruSeja promovido na carreira de guru da tecnologia
WriterSeja promovido na carreira de escritor
Careers.demote [Nome da carreira]Despromover Sim em determinada carreira
<pre>Careers.remove_career [Nome da carreira]</pre>Demitir Sim em determinada carreira
Careers.promote GradeschoolSubir nota da criança na escola
Careers.promote HighschoolSubir nota de adolescente na escola

It is worth remembering that other professions are unlockable in the game through expansions – such as Life in the City and Rumo à Fama, for example, which add, respectively, the Activist and Actor careers. To be promoted in these jobs, the codes work the same: just replace the “career” field with your Sim’s profession.

5. The Sims 4: cheats to modify your Sim’s mood

In The Sims 4, it is essential that your Sim is in a good mood to carry out some activities, such as doing well at work and socializing with neighbors, for example. Using the cheats below, you can make your character energized, playful and even sad or embarrassed.

The Sims 4: códigos de humor

sims.add_buff e_buff_EnergizedLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_EnergizedHighSim energizado
sims.add_buff e_buff_FlirtyLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_ou FlirtyHighFlerte
sims.add_buff e_buff_InspiredLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_InspiredHighInspirado
sims.add_buff e_buff_FocusedLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_FocusedHighConcentrado
sims.add_buff e_buff_PlayfulLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_PlayfulHighBrincalhão
sims.add_buff e_buff_SadLow ou sims.add_buff e_buff_SadHighTriste
sims.add_buff Social_Angry / sims.add_buff e_Buff_Angry / sims.add_buff feelingangry / sims.add_buff unfaithfulSim irritado (acumulativos entre si)
sims.add_buff e_Buff_Social_Happy ou sims.add_buff e_Buff_e_Buff_HappyFeliz
sims.add_buff e_Buff_uncomfortableDesconfortável
sims.add_buff e_Buff_embarrassed / sims.add_buff peedselfEnvergonhado (códigos acumulativos)


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Winter Wail 2023-01-08 - 4:03 am

ahhh thank youuuu

Matthew Tont 2023-01-08 - 1:44 pm

It’s 2022 and it still works

Walter white 2023-01-09 - 4:10 pm

2023 rn, still working, thanks helped me alot!

Dayis 2023-01-12 - 1:22 am

Omg I can’t believe it worked lol thankful for you!!!!! 01/11/2023 follow his exact steps and it will work!! Thank you!!

Jah King 2023-01-17 - 10:54 pm


Anniska Potgieter 2023-01-20 - 6:00 pm

Doesn’t work

Fride da goat 2023-01-21 - 5:46 am

Tysm it worked very good now I have 9999999

Aqua Rose 2023-01-22 - 7:00 am

Still works in 2023 thank youuu

Hunter Martin 2023-01-22 - 9:37 pm

This is amazing

Adriano Merghny 2023-01-26 - 1:21 pm

Thank you very much for making this video! You’re making my Poor sim gets millionaire ❤️

dragon lover 3000 2023-01-28 - 1:19 pm


Montty Labelle 2023-01-29 - 2:52 am

It’s January 2023 and this still works . Lol

I ur gay 2023-01-29 - 10:13 pm


Emma<3 2023-01-31 - 1:06 pm

OMGG i tried this with the psg5 and it works omg Thank you so much 🙏🏻💕

Nery Ramirez 2023-01-31 - 1:10 pm

Thank you!

Maya Axelsen 2023-02-03 - 6:23 am

Omg thank you so so much

Technodulan 2023-02-08 - 6:49 pm

I didn't think it would work but when I saw the bar pop up I immediately got happy

Berseeker 98 2023-02-15 - 9:11 pm

Still work 16 feb 2023

mwtcchii 2023-02-16 - 5:20 pm

How do you enter it?? I’ve been pressing R2 but it doesn’t enter and nothing will work

Marisa Naegele 2023-02-17 - 11:04 pm

Still works in 2023(:

Zack Freischmidt 2023-02-20 - 7:45 pm

2023 downloaded sims 4 ps4 for free hope this works

Spooky Show 2023-02-25 - 2:15 pm

Still works

Dafam1 2023-02-28 - 3:57 pm


iHEARTMCDREAMY22 2023-03-02 - 1:49 pm


RockStar-viewers 2023-03-03 - 6:11 am

I can confurn it works as of 3/3/21

Suk1 2023-03-05 - 1:05 pm

Tysm 😭 up u til now I had to move rich people into my house and steal their money, now I don’t got to 💀

Tori💅 2023-03-19 - 1:06 pm


David Cicero 2023-03-22 - 7:58 am

Thanks my daughter is so happy now ❤

smellyfadez 2023-04-16 - 11:17 pm

im trapping kids in a big box

Nuprynce 2023-04-21 - 2:20 am

it still works april 2023 ;>

Kiara Nicole 2023-04-29 - 7:53 pm

April 29th 2023 and still works ❤️

_FinessedByJ 2023-05-08 - 6:37 pm

Ts still works in 2023 Bruv THANK U 🙏🏽

Maddie Jones 2023-05-09 - 1:21 pm

It help even in 952023

{Soda4life<3} 2023-05-14 - 1:36 pm


Candace Nia 2023-05-17 - 11:04 pm

Still works !! Thanks

Clo JP 2023-05-20 - 6:28 pm

May 2023 still works ps4

The Gamers Lounge 2000 2023-05-21 - 2:20 am

Thankssss it worked for mehh ❤

Skye Ramsay 2023-05-21 - 3:53 pm

thank you its like infinit money but you can have a buget for role plays for youtube this is a dream come true

Andrew Keenan 2023-05-22 - 2:57 am


CruffléPùff 2023-06-05 - 8:00 pm

Life saver thank you!


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