by Marcos Paulo Vilela

JUNTE-SE AO SITE: Champions: 0:00 Introdução 2:13 Aatrox 4:26 Ahri 4:54 Akali 5:51 Akshan 6:04 Alistar 9:11 Amumu 9:22 Anivia 10:34 Annie 11:15 Aphelios 11:49 Ashe 12:06 Aurelion Sol 13:21 Azir 14:25 Bard 14:51 Bel’Veth 15:31 Brand 16:31 Braum 16:47 Caitlyn 17:40 Camille 19:17 Casseopia 20:42 Cho’Gath 21:53 Corki 23 :53 Darius 24:11 Diana 24:23 Mundo 27:34 Draven 28:00 Ekko 28:24 Elise 29:30 Evelynn 30:37 Ezreal 32:50 Fiora 34:30 Fizz 35:20 Galio 35:28 Gangplank 36:00 Garen 36:11 Gnar 36:21 Gragas 37:04 Graves 37:26 Gwen 37:43 Hecarim 37:50 Heimerdinger 38:31 Illaoi 39:20 Irelia 39:30 Ivern 40:11 Janna 40:29 Jarvan 40:55 Jax 41 :24 Jayce 45:07 Jhin 45:52 Jinx 46:15 K’Sante 47:48 Kalista 48:40 Karthus 50:20 Katarina 51:20 Kayle 51:41 Kayn 54:13 Kennen 55:08 Kha’Zix 56:01 Kindred 57:44 Kled 58:31 Kog’Maw 59:21 LeBlanc 59:35 Lee Sin 1:00:35 Leona 1:00:59 Lilia 1:01:27 Lissandra 1:01:38 Lucian 1:02:31 Lulu 1:02:42 Lux 1:03:25 Malphite 1:07:39 Maokai 1:08:56 Master Yi 1:09:45 Milio 1:10:00 Miss Fortune 1:10:11 Mordekaiser 1:12:51 Morgana 1:12:57 Nami 1:13:00 Nasus 1:13:03 Nautalis 1:13:06 Neeko 1:13:35 Nidalee 1:14:05 Noturno 1:14:26 Nunu 1:15:38 Olaf 1: 16:05 Ornn 1:16:56 Pantheon 1:19:27 Poppy 1:20:36 Pyke 1:21:26 Qiyana 1:21:58 Quinn 1:22:11 Rek’Sai 1:22:14 Rell 1: 22:17 Renata Glasc 1:22:21 Renekton 1:23:02 Rengar 1:23:43 Riven 1:24:36 Rumble 1:24:41 Ryze 1:25:52 Samira 1:26:03 Sejuani 1:26 :07 Senna 1:26:50 Seraphine 1:27:18 Sett 1:27:42 Shaco 1:29:23 Shen 1:30:39 Shyvanna 1:32:11 Singed 1:32:40 Sion 1:32:55 Sivir 1:32:57 Skarner 1:33:43 Sona 1:34:16 Soraka 1:34:19 Swain 1:35:07 Syndra 1:37:00 Sylas 1:37:53 Taliyah 1:38:20 Talon 1 :39:29 Taric 1:40:34 Thresh 1:40:38 Tristana 1:40:50 Trundle 1:40:58 Tryndamere 1:41:31 Twisted Fate 1:41:42 Twitch 1:42:47 Udyr 1: 44:26 Urgot 1:44:32 Varus 1:46:02 Vayne 1:46:22 Veigar 1:46:33 Vel’Koz 1:46:51 Vex 1:46:56 Vi 1:48:12 Viego 1: 48:20 Viktor 1:49:17 Vladamir 1:51:44 Volibear 1:51:50 Warwick 1:52:25 Wukong 1:52:33 Xayah 1:52:41 Xerath 1:52:49 Xin’Zhao 1: 52:52 Yasuo 1:52:56 Yone 1:53:04 Yorick 1:53:37 Yuumi 1:53:43 Zac 1:54:01 Zed 1:56:38 Zeri 1:56:51 Ziggs 1:57: 51 Zilean 1:59:00 Zoe 1:59:15 Zyra 1:59:50 Naafiri ∙Entre no meu discord para treinadores, anúncios e muito mais: ∙Você quer listas exclusivas Patreon SoloQ e Clash criadas por mim, bem como algumas vantagens extras ? É também uma forma de apoiar o canal do YouTube Siga minhas redes sociais aqui: ____________________ →Twitter: →Twitch: →Facebook: →Instagram: APENAS para consultas comerciais: #LS #LCK #LoL



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LS 2023-07-04 - 11:34 pm


0:00 Introduction

2:13 Aatrox

4:26 Ahri

4:54 Akali

5:51 Akshan

6:04 Alistar

9:11 Amumu

9:22 Anivia

10:34 Annie

11:15 Aphelios

11:49 Ashe

12:06 Aurelion Sol

13:21 Azir

14:25 Bard

14:51 Bel'Veth

15:31 Brand

16:31 Braum

16:47 Caitlyn

17:40 Camille

19:17 Casseopia

20:42 Cho'Gath

21:53 Corki

23:53 Darius

24:11 Diana

24:23 Mundo

27:34 Draven

28:00 Ekko

28:24 Elise

29:30 Evelynn

30:37 Ezreal

32:50 Fiora

34:30 Fizz

35:20 Galio

35:28 Gangplank

36:00 Garen

36:11 Gnar

36:21 Gragas

37:04 Graves

37:26 Gwen

37:43 Hecarim

37:50 Heimerdinger

38:31 Illaoi

39:20 Irelia

39:30 Ivern

40:11 Janna

40:29 Jarvan

40:55 Jax

41:24 Jayce

45:07 Jhin

45:52 Jinx

46:15 K'Sante

47:48 Kalista

48:40 Karthus

50:20 Katarina

51:20 Kayle

51:41 Kayn

54:13 Kennen

55:08 Kha'Zix

56:01 Kindred

57:44 Kled

58:31 Kog'Maw

59:21 LeBlanc

59:35 Lee Sin

1:00:35 Leona

1:00:59 Lilia

1:01:27 Lissandra

1:01:38 Lucian

1:02:31 Lulu

1:02:42 Lux

1:03:25 Malphite

1:07:39 Maokai

1:08:56 Master Yi

1:09:45 Milio

1:10:00 Miss Fortune

1:10:11 Mordekaiser

1:12:51 Morgana

1:12:57 Nami

1:13:00 Nasus

1:13:03 Nautalis

1:13:06 Neeko

1:13:35 Nidalee

1:14:05 Nocturne

1:14:26 Nunu

1:15:38 Olaf

1:16:05 Ornn

1:16:56 Pantheon

1:19:27 Poppy

1:20:36 Pyke

1:21:26 Qiyana

1:21:58 Quinn

1:22:11 Rek'Sai

1:22:14 Rell

1:22:17 Renata Glasc

1:22:21 Renekton

1:23:02 Rengar

1:23:43 Riven

1:24:36 Rumble

1:24:41 Ryze

1:25:52 Samira

1:26:03 Sejuani

1:26:07 Senna

1:26:50 Seraphine

1:27:18 Sett

1:27:42 Shaco

1:29:23 Shen

1:30:39 Shyvanna

1:32:11 Singed

1:32:40 Sion

1:32:55 Sivir

1:32:57 Skarner

1:33:43 Sona

1:34:16 Soraka

1:34:19 Swain

1:35:07 Syndra

1:37:00 Sylas

1:37:53 Taliyah

1:38:20 Talon

1:39:29 Taric

1:40:34 Thresh

1:40:38 Tristana

1:40:50 Trundle

1:40:58 Tryndamere

1:41:31 Twisted Fate

1:41:42 Twitch

1:42:47 Udyr

1:44:26 Urgot

1:44:32 Varus

1:46:02 Vayne

1:46:22 Veigar

1:46:33 Vel'Koz

1:46:51 Vex

1:46:56 Vi

1:48:12 Viego

1:48:20 Viktor

1:49:17 Vladamir

1:51:44 Volibear

1:51:50 Warwick

1:52:25 Wukong

1:52:33 Xayah

1:52:41 Xerath

1:52:49 Xin'Zhao

1:52:52 Yasuo

1:52:56 Yone

1:53:04 Yorick

1:53:37 Yuumi

1:53:43 Zac

1:54:01 Zed

1:56:38 Zeri

1:56:51 Ziggs

1:57:51 Zilean

1:59:00 Zoe

1:59:15 Zyra

1:59:50 Naafiri

Mártir 2023-07-22 - 7:26 am

I watched the whole video. I like the way you guys talk, friendly.
Im a Zilean OTP, BTW!

Yosho 2023-07-22 - 1:57 pm

My friend played mundo in duos yesterday with me, his health regen got so broken everyone started lagging when against him. This is actually disgusting how the burn does 0 damage to him and he can tank it forever with the right augments

få meg ut 2023-07-22 - 6:08 pm

Kalista is fucking bonkers dafaq u on about?

Phan Doãn 2023-07-22 - 6:14 pm

Amumu and rumble

Jose Alexander Hernandez Salas 2023-07-23 - 2:10 am

Viene faker y rompe esa tierlist xd.

Zeila 2023-07-23 - 2:56 am

cho'gath A-Tier? gl hitting q when everyone moves so fast

Nylox 2023-07-23 - 4:50 am

What deck is LS shuffling?

Litchy 2023-07-23 - 10:50 am

Suggestion : turn aphelios w into tf w

Samo Odustani 2023-07-23 - 2:09 pm

well idk i won with 20 hp with volibear and leona

Jordan Sutche 2023-07-23 - 3:47 pm

Udyr most DEFINITELY rolls Kayn 1v1 in this mode

Dying Breath 2023-07-23 - 4:23 pm

you guys are sleeping on veigar

RGC Print 2023-07-24 - 1:22 am

It's just my opinion but i think Karma and Taric are broken

Kassaken 2023-07-25 - 2:02 am

Kassadin is def B or A teir at least. You suck in the beginning, but once you get 3 items and level 11, and hopefully the augment that gives 200 cd for dash abilities, he becomes a power creeping monster. Its really satisfying seeing people be suprised by the power spike.

gReEn A5SaS5iN 2023-07-25 - 5:36 pm

I think shen is actually really good with characters that can survive for a second without like Kayne and fiora let them fight first then ult and taunt it can win alot of fights very quickly

Mehmet A. 2023-07-26 - 3:25 am

Twitch is definitely s tier

ChocoShoes 2023-07-26 - 3:33 am

I believe fiora is easily the best champ in this gamemode. If she gets one good augment usually top 2, and if she gets mystic punch it is over for any comp.

Oachkatzl Schwoaf 2023-07-26 - 8:09 am

Putting Amumu into D tier without much further thought made my heart bleed. He is S Tier with Twitch and one shots anything as soon as he gets his Zekes first item. im Playing this in 7-8k Arena facerolling every other Z tier Comp except for perma bannend Taric/Kayle/Vayne. The Burst damage off of his Q R Q is way too overpowered in Arena. Share some love for the mumie 😀
Except for that. Great List

Unknownymous Biatch 2023-07-26 - 10:40 am

Urgot is strong

tizzleforrizzle 2023-07-26 - 3:00 pm

So vlads good?

Game Analytic 2023-07-27 - 12:55 am

LS, Tahm and Samira is insane duo, Samira's ult continues to fire around while is in the Tahm's stomach, I dunno if that is bug but it is what it is, Tahm ult dont stop her ult

Paul Davila 2023-07-27 - 6:38 am

Does anyone else just not like this guy? Idk why I’m trying to see what it is. Am I just a dick or is it something …

R 2023-07-27 - 9:09 am

Mid-Late game yone can smack a syndra around.

Wafflez 2023-07-27 - 4:57 pm

If you rank Kalista that low I know for a fact this tier list is shit lmao.


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